Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mayday Mayday VFX News

<~ Note: The VFXTippingPoint Twitter Feed will be more up to date with articles, bits of news, & discussions...

May 31rst

Is this the best we can do? by Jesse Toves

May 30th

May 29th

Who's Moving Faster? by Jesse Toves

May 28th

May 27th

May 26th

May 25th

May 24th

If you go and see the new animated film "Epic", stick through the end credits. There's a nice message at the end in support of visual effects artists and animators. ~Stefan Ellison via VFXSI facebook

May 23rd

ILM is in active planning for the next “Star Wars” picture and Brennan said the company is planning to manage all of the vfx for “Episode VII” and future “Star Wars” pics, though she left the door open to subcontracting some of the work. The company is investigating the possibility of opening a London branch, said Brennan. ~Variety
Nothing Like a Good Trailer by Jesse Toves
Future of VFX Houses?

May 22nd

May 21rst

The Usual Suspects, Indeed by Jesse Toves

May 20th

May 19th

May 18th

May 17th

Framestore held a Q&A via Twitter today...

May 16th

The Next Big Disaster Movie by Jesse Toves

May 15th

Join this historic live event and help broaden and amplify the ongoing conversation surrounding the VFX crisis.
The event will allow both the in-room and live streaming audience to vote on key issues using their mobile devices and computers. The results of these polls will be tabulated in realtime and shared live with the world.

May 14th

Sooner or later they'll run out of dolls, right? by Jesse Toves
(NYC VFX Town Hall) Now it's New York’s turn to weigh in on the VFX crisis as a VFX Town Hall will be streamed live from Collider, the new Manhattan-based digital production event for the visual effects, animation, and interactive industries.  The event marks the first New York City-based town hall gathering of professionals and artists from the visual effects industry.  Dubbed VFX Town Hall: COLLIDER 2013, the event will be staged live at the COLLIDER conference venue, the Hotel Pennsylvania. It starts at 6 PM EDT on Monday, June 10. 

May 13th

May 12th

May 11th

May 10th

BECTU is actively involved in representing staff at Cinesite during difficulties the company is facing. We are negotiating with management, including the managing director, and doing everything we can to get members at risk of redundancy the best and fairest treatment possible. If you are a member of staff at Cinesite and you would like to get in touch regarding any problems at work, please do so.

VFX Survey Results:77% of VFX workers work more than 40 hours per week;
77% of people know someone who has recently left the industry because they couldn’t keep up with the workloads, overtime and poor working conditions;
81% of people have felt pressured or bullied into working overtime for free on films;
83% of people said it was difficult or very difficult to raise a family while working in VFX.

BECTU VFX campaign update

May 9th

May 8th

May 7th - RIP Raymond Frederick Harryhausen

May 6th

Sounds like there may be some truth to tonight's protest...
During the Academy’s “Life of Pi” Making-of Clips, we will be peacefully demonstrating for those currently effected by outsourcing & job loss throughout the Film Industry. Including the Corruptions over at Disney and elsewhere-

Academy of Motion Pictures
8949 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 90211
Monday May 6, 2013
Free Parking at Lot on S. La Peer.

May 5th

May 4th

May 3rd

May 2nd - AVEC Meeting Day

The first meeting for Association for Visual Effects Companies (AVEC) is happening today @ 1pm.  The Trade Association meeting headed up by Scott Ross.
NOTE: VFX professionals: Have a story to tell about working in the UK VFX industry? Share it w/ the BBC via VFX Solidarity International (VFXSI)

May 1rst

VFX in California: Weathering the dry spell...